杰克逊的大学 is committed to student success and offers all its students free academic tutoring at various college locations in friendly, 支持性环境. The goal of tutoring is to provide individualized or group assistance that enables you to develop academic mastery and independence.
CSS为学生提供了许多辅导选择. There are faculty tutors and student tutors who serve students in the CSS for in person tutoring during our open hours.
Our tutoring center is open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 6pm for in person appointments and drop-in tutoring.
The CSS also has online tutoring appointments during open hours, after hours, and weekends. 我们的虚拟预约将通过Big Blue Button或Zoom进行. 导师可能会提供画布、作业和学习方面的帮助.
CSS教师写作导师在这里为您服务! 会议既可以亲自举行,也可以通过Zoom举行.
作为导师, 我们使用苏格拉底式提问法, 在写作和修改论文时,是什么指导和激励了你. 我们将和你一起审阅论文. 请注意,我们可以与所有需要论文的学科合作, 这包括英语学习者.
需要帮助? 请参阅下面的预约时间和联系信息. 你可以与任何一位写作教员进行虚拟或面对面的预约. We are also available for drop-in tutoring at the CSS during our open hours: Monday through Thursday 9am to 6pm. 提示:作业的副本, 还有一个评分标准, 其他文件也能帮我们帮你.
- 电话:517.796.8415
- 电子邮件:JCCSS@neptunemarineservices.net
你好,学生! 我是弗吉尼亚帝国, an Adjunct Instructor at 杰克逊的大学 since 2008 and a Writing Lab tutor since 2010. I look forward to getting to know you and encouraging you to take ownership of your writing, mindful that my colleagues and I all work to support your professor’s course requirements. 具体地说, I will ask questions to help you clarify your 的想法 and strengthen certain areas such as thesis development, 组织, 和结构. 你们每个人都是独一无二的, possessing inherent dignity; therefore, 我努力让这种教学理念在每次接触中都能体现出来. I am excited to meet you and show you that writing is a skill you can enjoy and use throughout your life. 欢迎来到学生成功中心!
你可以在下面或者 用电子邮件联系我
Hi! 我叫桑德拉·舒尔茨, 我是加州州立大学长滩分校的校友, 我在哪里获得了英语学士和硕士学位.
作为一个终身作家, learning and teaching how to successfully communicate through writing resonates deeply inside of me. 有效写作的重要性不容低估. Teaching students how to write as a communication tool greatly contributes to their success as a student. 他们不仅在学习写课堂论文, 但他们正在学习如何表达自己的需求, 欲望, 的想法, 意见, 和智慧. 他们可以把这个工具带到他们的世界去改善他们的关系, 指引他们走向目标的道路, 作为一个社会存在更充分地参与.
首先也是最重要的, 我努力创造一个让学生感到安全的环境, 欢迎, 和尊重. 我认为每个学生都有自己独特的学习方式, 在最好的情况下, 我也会向他们学习. 我尽我所能以最有效的方式呈现内容, 力求清晰和连贯, 这样就不会有一个愿意并且有能力学习的学生掉队. 我随时准备回答问题, 清晰的混乱, 并帮助学生发现和加强他们独特的声音.
教学和辅导是我的爱好! 我期待着与您见面,并尽我所能帮助您. 你可以在下面或者 用电子邮件联系我 .
Hi! 我叫泰瑞·尤兹. 我是学生成功中心的新成员, but I have been teaching English and writing since graduating from Ohio University with my BSEd in English.
毕业后, I moved to South Korea and taught English as a Foreign Language and English Language Arts to international students living there. 当我回到美国, I continued teaching English at a variety of levels until graduating with my MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and Intercultural Studies from Wheaton College.
My goal in tutoring writing here at the CSS is to work with students to make assignments clear and the completion of them manageable and less overwhelming. I am glad for this opportunity to tutor and get better acquainted with our students here at 杰克逊的大学!
我期待着帮助你在工作中获得成功和满足感. 你可以在下面或者 用电子邮件联系我 .
Our 补充说明 (SI) is an academic assistance program that uses peer-assisted study sessions with SI Leaders. SI leaders are students who are independent learners who have successfully navigated their courses and are prepared to share what they have learned. 会议定期安排, 学生交换笔记的非正式复习课, 讨论阅读材料, 开发组织工具, 预测测试全球网络赌博平台. Students learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together.
在每一节课上,你将由你的SI领导指导你完成这些材料. 他们知道课程的内容,并急于帮助指导你完成它. 他们会每天和你一起上课,听到你听到的. What they won’t do is lecture; their job is to help you think about the lectures and practice techniques, 然后在科学探究的过程中把它们放在一起.
课程 | 一天 | TIME | 房间 | 如果领导者 |
生物161.01 | 星期一 | 1 pm-2pm | JM 133 | 玛丽莎Benn |
生物161.01 | 星期三 | 1 pm-2pm | JM 133 | 玛丽莎Benn |
杰姆131.I1 | 星期二 | 7 pm-9pm | 在线 | Correy Grunden |
凝胶109.H50 | 星期二 | 12 pm-1pm | JM 147 | 诺兰Hughey |
凝胶109.H50 | 周四 | 从4点到5点 | JM 147 | 诺兰Hughey |
垫130.I1 & I2 | 星期一 | 5 pm-6pm | 在线 | 凯莉Spieth |
垫130.I1 & I2 | 星期三 | 8 pm-9pm | 在线 | 凯莉Spieth |
垫133.01 | 星期一 | 从4点到5点 | JM 147 | 加比封隔器 |
垫133.01 | 周四 | 12 pm-1pm | JM 147 | 加比封隔器 |
垫133.03 | 星期二 | 12 pm-1pm | JM 211 | 玛丽·乔·考克斯 |
垫133.03 | 周四 | 12 pm-1pm | JM 211 | 玛丽·乔·考克斯 |
垫133.81 | 星期一 | 从4点到5点 | 边境 | 德米特里•马修斯 |
垫133.81 | 星期三 | 从4点到5点 | 边境 | 德米特里•马修斯 |
垫133.I1 & I2 | 星期二 | 8 pm-9pm | 在线 | Erinne Sisk |
垫133.I1 & I2 | 星期五 | 8 pm-9pm | 在线 | Erinne Sisk |
垫139.01 | 星期一 | 1 pm-2pm | JM 147 | 哈雷华莱士 |
垫139.01 | 星期三 | 1 pm-2pm | JM 147 | 哈雷华莱士 |
- 必须目前就读于全球网络赌博平台6个或更多学分.
- 得了3分.在你希望指导的课程中达到5分或以上.
- 如果你目前正在注册一门课程,你想辅导, 你的导师必须联系中心推荐你.
- 必须有最低累积绩点2.5.
- 必须目前就读于全球网络赌博平台6个或更多学分.
- 得了3分.在你希望学习的课程中达到0分或以上.
- 累积平均绩点不低于3分.0.
如果您符合资格要求并有兴趣成为导师/SI, 请拨打517与CSS联系.796.8415年,JCCSS@Jccmi.edu,停在伯特沃克大厅,房间138,或安排会议了解更多.
- 由大学读书会赞助 & 学习协会(CRLA), an international tutor certification 组织 that sets a standard of skills and training for tutors and provides recognition and reinforcement for tutors’ successful work.
- 三个级别的认证全球网络赌博平台
- Requires 10 hours of training and 25 hours of tutoring experience for each certification level
- 为导师培训提供专业标准
- 回报老师
- 为辅导全球网络赌博平台建立信誉
- Is endorsed by the National Association for Developmental Education and Commission XVI, 高等教育中的学术支持, 美国大学人事协会主席